Choose the right car - Fleetstar 2070a
Choose the right car - Fleetstar 2070a
At first you don't have much choice. Your first car will be Chevrolet CK1500 - a pickup truck, which will come in handy to unlock more powerful trucks. This is a Scout car good for exploring the map, but certainly not in its basic configuration. Later, it becomes more useful when you install a higher suspension and mud-driving tires on it.
With this Chevrolet, you will quickly unlock the GMC MH900 motorway truck, and, as you'd guess, it won't do well in the field either. Use it to complete the mission involving rebuilding the bridge to get to your garage - your first base. You will find the Fleetstar F2070A truck, which should become your primary vehicle at the beginning of the game.
Don't sell your first car - the Chevrolet! After some time, when you level up your driver, you will be able to significantly modify it. With improved parts, especially a winch and mud tires, it will be a great scout vehicle for exploring maps.
Fleetstar 2070A is a Heavy Duty vehicle. It has a powerful engine to pull trailers and other vehicles, and a four-wheel drive and differential lock, which allows it to get out of many mud traps.
Once unlocked, enter the garage and make the necessary purchases: Frame Addon and better terrain tires. See garage and warehouse sections for more information.
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